
Ablindspotinavehicleorvehicleblindspotisanareaaroundthevehiclethatcannotbedirectlyseenbythedriverwhileatthecontrols,underexisting ...,4meanings:1.asmalloval-shapedareaoftheretinainwhichvisionisnotexperienced.Itmarksthenonphotosensitivesite.,書名:BlindSpots:WhyWeFailtoDoWhat'sRightandWhattoDoaboutIt,原文名稱:盲點:哈佛、華頓商學院課程選讀,為什麼傳統決策會失敗,而我們可以怎麼做?,Expertstellu...

Vehicle blind spot

A blind spot in a vehicle or vehicle blind spot is an area around the vehicle that cannot be directly seen by the driver while at the controls, under existing ...

BLIND SPOT definition and meaning

4 meanings: 1. a small oval-shaped area of the retina in which vision is not experienced. It marks the nonphotosensitive site.

Blind Spots: Why We Fail to Do What's Right and ...

書名:Blind Spots: Why We Fail to Do What's Right and What to Do about It,原文名稱:盲點:哈佛、華頓商學院課程選讀,為什麼傳統決策會失敗,而我們可以怎麼做?

Blind spots

Experts tell us that our unconscious mind makes a majority of our decisions. It creates blind spots—unconscious biases that can narrow your vision and ...

BLIND SPOT in Traditional Chinese

an area that you are not able to see, especially the part of a road you cannot see when you are driving, behind and slightly to one side of the car.

BLIND SPOT | English meaning

an area that you are not able to see, especially the part of a road you cannot see when you are driving, behind and slightly to one side of the car:.

Blind spot (vision)

A blind spot, scotoma, is an obscuration of the visual field. A particular blind spot known as the physiological blind spot, blind point, ...

Blind spot Definition & Meaning

4 天前 — The meaning of BLIND SPOT is the small circular area at the back of the retina where the optic nerve enters the eyeball and which is devoid ...